Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Constitutional Amendments 2007

A while ago, I published this post, listing all of the proposed amendments to the Constitution by that nasty Republican Congress. They ranged from the amusing to the inane. Let's see how our new and improved Democratic Congress is doing.

In the House

HJRes #1, 7, 10: Balanced budget

HJRes #2: Citizens of territories and commonwealths can vote

HJRes #4, 36: Abolish of the electoral college and allow direct citizen votes

HJRes #5: Congress and States can define limits on the amount of money any given electoral campaign may receive

HJRes #6: Make the "population" count for determining number of Representatives more specific: only citizens count

HJRes #8: Repeal the 22nd Amendment, eliminating the Presidential term limit

HJRes #9: Define the act of flag burning or desecration as an unconstitutional form of speech

HJRes #11: Informational amendment asserting that school prayer is A-OK

HJRes #17: Establish English as the official language of the United States

HJRes #23: Prevent governments from acting as businesses by forbidding them to enter contracts

HJRes #24: Enforce a Congressional term limit of six consecutive terms

HJRes #28: All resident citizens will have the right to vote (?)

Resolutions 29 through 36 were all proposed by Mr. Jackson of Illinois.

HJRes #29: Promote equality in education to a citizen's right

HJRes #30, 42: Promote equality in health care to a citizen's right

HJRes #31: Promote equality in abortion to a citizen's right

HJRes #32: Promote safe, affordable, and comfortable housing to a citizen's right

HJRes #33: Promote a safe, clean, and sustainable environment to a citizen's right

HJRes #34: Forces Congress to produce progressive taxes, whereby the wealthy are taxed more than the poor

HJRes #35: Promote "equal pay for equal work" to a citizen's right

HJRes #38: Allow a line item veto

HJRes #39: Affirm equal rights for men and women (with about 60 signatories)

HJRes #40: Clarify that the Constitution neither requires prayer in school nor explicitly bans it

HJRes #43: Not really an amendment, but it increased the statutory limit on the public debt to $9,815,000,000,000. Yikes.

HJRes #46: Eliminate the citizenship allowance for babies born inside US borders, unless the parents are citizens or permanent residents

HJRes #48: Require a 2/3 vote on the Supreme Court to affirm any Presidential pardon or reprieve

HJRes #56: Allow each representative to designate a list of three replacements in case of his or her untimely death

HJRes #57: Create the office of Alternate Representative, with a role similar to the Vice President

In the Senate

SJRes #1: Enforce a balanced budget to protect Social Security surpluses

SJRes #2: Establish a Congressional term limit of six non-consecutive terms

SJRes #19: Require that the expenditures of the government not exceed its income and that it not exceed 120% of the previous year's gross national product.


It's really not quite as bad. There isn't one gay marriage amendment in there! I guess it's not such a hot button issue now that the elections are over for the time being.

I did notice, however, that none of these amendments have been discussed by the legislature. They were all referred to committee and killed. However, a bill requiring international negotiation to determine national rights to migratory fish has received considerable discussion for the past two months.

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